First Baptist Church in Beverly Mission Trips

Saturday, July 31, 2010

We Made It!!!

Well, we're down 2 more folks, due to injury or illness. Prayers need to go out to Alyssa Mascioli and the brother of Nikki Fisher. We'll miss you guys a lot!

No blog last night due to a very long drive (made longer by 12 miles of construction zone traffic that added almost an hour to our trip) and a late dinner. But we made it to PA safely, had dinner at Friday's (on Friday no less!) and got on the road again at about 8am. Arrived in Oak Hill at about 2:30pm.

The facility we are staying at is amazing! You can't even believe the kitchen! Hopefully I'll get pics up later in the week. But there are 9 showers total, mens and ladies locker rooms, and a great big gym for the boys to play basketball in. Wait until Matt and Thomas see this!

Tonight, dinner was at Dirty Ernie's Rib Pit. Great food, great music, great company. So far, we've been well fed if nothing else!

We saw the first 2 works sites today. One is windows and doors, the other is building 2 decks on a double-wide trailer.

Tomorrow morning Dave and I will cook breakfast for the group...waffles, homefries, bacon, eggs...yum! Then we'll head to church and wait for the other group to arrive. Those of us who are hear are tired but excited for the rest of the group to get here.

BTW, when you see John T, asked him if he passed the Gas Away yet. You might see tears run down his cheeks for the first time ever!

Goodnight for now!

Friday, July 30, 2010

It's Go Time

8am = van picked up in Danvers
8:30am = the group gathers at the church
9am = scheduled departure time
actual departure time = who knows!

See you in PA later tonight!

Thursday, July 29, 2010


until the first group leaves for Oak Hill, West Virginia! The second group will leave on Saturday morning. Both groups will be making an overnight stop in Chambersburg, PA before driving the final leg to Oak Hill. In total, we will be a group of 38, not the largest we've had, but very, very close! We're very sad to learn the 4 folks who had been planning on coming will not be able to. We'll very much miss Glenn and Jean Peterson, as well as Kim and Zach Stone. And we wish Zach a speedy recovery from a terrible baseball injury. He's facing several dental surgeries, so please keep him and his family in your thoughts and prayers.

Also, the blog will definately continue for the duration of the trip. I've purchased a broadband-to-go service, so as long as I have cell phone service, I'll be able to update the blog. So please tune and and pass the address along to anyone who you think might be interested in our travels.

On a personal note, I'm going to try and find some yarn stores along the way. So if you are a fiber fanatic, there might be something here for you too!

Check back late Friday night for an update from PA!

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Destination 2010: Oak Hill, West Virginia

In a little more than a week, our intrepid group will embark once again on its bienniel mission trip, this time to Oak Hill, West Virginia. We'll be driving in 2 groups with one group leaving on Friday July 30 and the other leaving Saturday July 31. At this moment, I can't make any promises to blog as I have forgotten to ask if there is internet access where we are staying. As soon as I find out, I'll let you know.

Stay tuned!