Houston, The Eagle Has Landed!
After traveling from all points on the globe MOST of the group has arrived safely in Mission, SD. We are still waiting for Gary and Lisa whom we expect around dinner time. Yesterday included much sightseeing for all the groups but was not without it's challenges. Our living quarters are perhaps a little more cramped than we would like, and the normal house-sized kitchen is nothing compared to the industrial kitchen we enjoyed in West Virginia. Nonetheless, everyone is safe and healthy and we are air-conditioned, which is most definitely needed here!
I'm alone in the house right now as the groups have gone off to work, John and Jed are shopping, and Emmett is peacefully napping. The internet connection is spotty, at least for me. Some folks have no problem connecting with their phones, but I can't seem to. For right now, here are some pics of the sightseeing that Dave and I did on our way here yesterday.
One of South Dakota's top 5 money crops is sunflowers. This is a small portion of one field that we passed. Several miles down the road were about 40 bee hives.
This is just one pic of about 1000 I took in the Badlands. See the striations in the rock? This photo doesn't do the colors justice. Tans, browns, reds, pinks, yellows, and greens at various points in the park. Pretty darn cool!
This is a bull bison in the Badlands. He is facing the road, guarding a herd of about 15 cows and their calves. He was really awesome
And these were my favorite little prairie denizens, the prairie dogs! There was an a
enormous field with what seemed like thousands of mounds. They are super cute and curious.
We also saw a bighorn sheep, but went by him too fast to get a photo.
It's now after noon and the closest work group has come back for lunch. They are very hot and tired as they are digging ditches to correct a sewage problem. There is a report from another group that they have encountered black widow spiders and are requesting raid. The excitement never ends!
I'm going to sign off for now. Please pray for our work, our people, and the SD Lakota.
I'm alone in the house right now as the groups have gone off to work, John and Jed are shopping, and Emmett is peacefully napping. The internet connection is spotty, at least for me. Some folks have no problem connecting with their phones, but I can't seem to. For right now, here are some pics of the sightseeing that Dave and I did on our way here yesterday.
One of South Dakota's top 5 money crops is sunflowers. This is a small portion of one field that we passed. Several miles down the road were about 40 bee hives.
This is just one pic of about 1000 I took in the Badlands. See the striations in the rock? This photo doesn't do the colors justice. Tans, browns, reds, pinks, yellows, and greens at various points in the park. Pretty darn cool!
This is a bull bison in the Badlands. He is facing the road, guarding a herd of about 15 cows and their calves. He was really awesome
And these were my favorite little prairie denizens, the prairie dogs! There was an a
enormous field with what seemed like thousands of mounds. They are super cute and curious.
We also saw a bighorn sheep, but went by him too fast to get a photo.
It's now after noon and the closest work group has come back for lunch. They are very hot and tired as they are digging ditches to correct a sewage problem. There is a report from another group that they have encountered black widow spiders and are requesting raid. The excitement never ends!
I'm going to sign off for now. Please pray for our work, our people, and the SD Lakota.
At 1:20 PM,
Suzanne said…
Love the pictures. I thought Kansas was the Sunflower State- learned something new. Did you happen to find Wall Drug on your way in (that was also on my list) or is it on list for the way home?
Still hot here in Beverly, every night they say it will break and the heat and humidity doesn't. Will try again tonight. Thought of you today, started a water aerobics class at my health club. I really enjoyed it, has been something I have been wanting to do but wasn't able to before. Am thinking of everyone working today - digging for sewerage problems and encountering black widows just adds to the Mission Trip experience!!!
Have a good night. Did you find a place for ice cream yet??
At 4:59 PM,
Unknown said…
I've been enjoying reading about your experiences to date and look forward to more. Thanks for providing the blog, Cindy. You chose an especially suitable title for today since NASA managed to land "Curiosity" on Mars. Thinking of you all and particularly missing that small guy, Mr. E!
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