So. Much. Corn.
Corn everywhere! New York, Ohio, Illinois, Wisconsin, Minnesota, South Dakota. I should have taken pics in every state and given you a corn tour, but I don't think it would have been nearly as exciting as it sounds.
So I did manage to get a picture of our friends when we left them this morning, just because I know how you all love pictures. So here they are, The McSweeney's!
That's Mark, Stephanie, Ryan (an Eagle Scout!), and Nicole (soon to be Dr. McSweeney!) They provided us wonderful hospitality including chocolates on our duvet, a lasagna dinner, and a pancake breakfast. We almost just unhooked the trailer and stayed right there for the week! Thanks, guys!!
Today was a 12-hour drive day, and I lied to you earlier. No corn palace today. We're hitting that on the way back. Sorry Suzanne, you'll have to wait a little longer for pictures. But just to tie you over, here's a picture of....corn!
That is some genuine South Dakota corn right there. Stay tuned to this blog to see how that corn becomes a palace!
We saw some other interesting creatures today. Here's a pic:
Odd, 3-armed creatures that appeared to be stealing our wind, for nefarious purposes I'm sure. Keep watch, they're probably headed to a corn (or soybean) field near you!
I think all our folks are out west now. The majority will be converging on Mission, SD tomorrow evening but for now, here's a taste of what folks have been up to.
This is the Constantine's at what I believe is Zion National Park. Breathtaking!
This is Emmett, out littlest mission tripper, trying to decide if he is unsure about being in Nebraska, or just being in that yellow chair!
And this is Heidi and Giles, pointing at Crazy Horse. They have also been to Rushmore already.
I'm completely exhausted so I will leave you for the evening with this picture of South Dakota, taken at about 9pm as we neared our destination for the night. May you find the beauty in it that I did. Blessings, Cindy
So I did manage to get a picture of our friends when we left them this morning, just because I know how you all love pictures. So here they are, The McSweeney's!
That's Mark, Stephanie, Ryan (an Eagle Scout!), and Nicole (soon to be Dr. McSweeney!) They provided us wonderful hospitality including chocolates on our duvet, a lasagna dinner, and a pancake breakfast. We almost just unhooked the trailer and stayed right there for the week! Thanks, guys!!
Today was a 12-hour drive day, and I lied to you earlier. No corn palace today. We're hitting that on the way back. Sorry Suzanne, you'll have to wait a little longer for pictures. But just to tie you over, here's a picture of....corn!
That is some genuine South Dakota corn right there. Stay tuned to this blog to see how that corn becomes a palace!
We saw some other interesting creatures today. Here's a pic:
Odd, 3-armed creatures that appeared to be stealing our wind, for nefarious purposes I'm sure. Keep watch, they're probably headed to a corn (or soybean) field near you!
I think all our folks are out west now. The majority will be converging on Mission, SD tomorrow evening but for now, here's a taste of what folks have been up to.
This is the Constantine's at what I believe is Zion National Park. Breathtaking!
This is Emmett, out littlest mission tripper, trying to decide if he is unsure about being in Nebraska, or just being in that yellow chair!
And this is Heidi and Giles, pointing at Crazy Horse. They have also been to Rushmore already.
I'm completely exhausted so I will leave you for the evening with this picture of South Dakota, taken at about 9pm as we neared our destination for the night. May you find the beauty in it that I did. Blessings, Cindy
At 2:30 PM,
Suzanne said…
Thanks for all the pictures. Looks like there will be no shortage of corn for Corn Flakes. Did you happen to bring your Oklahoma t-shirt with the elephant in the corn field on the back? Looks like Avis should have designed a new corn t-shirt for this trip.
Rick told us in church that all had arrived safely in SD. Am looking forward to hearing about your week's adventures. I will be with you all in spirit.
At 6:35 PM,
Unknown said…
Hi Cindy and Dave: glad to hear that you made it to South Dakota. We were so happy that you were able to stop by and visit with us. It felt like the old days when we use to see each other all the time. Good luck tomorrow on your first day of work. I will look for your updates.
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