First Baptist Church in Beverly Mission Trips

Monday, August 02, 2010

Work Day One -- So Much Got Done!

So, this is Julie writing on behalf of the group because Cindy A. was generous (and trusting!) enough to allow me to take a turn at blogging! 10:00 is lights out in the sleeping areas, so plenty of people who are tired from a very full day of work are preparing to head off to bed.

Everyone here is doing very well, and the group is in really spirits, feeling really good about how much was done today on our first day of work. We are working on two job sites right now, with another to be added tomorrow because we are burning through our work. One house (affectionately dubbed "The Kitten House," due to the presence of many -- you guessed it -- kittens!) got 8 beautiful brand new windows and an equally beautiful new front door AND screen/storm door. (If you have a storm door, appreciate it fully -- they are very complicated!) The other house (affectionately dubbed "The Trailer") is in need of a new deck/stairs in the front and back, as well as new skirting around the entire perimeter of the building. All three projects are well underway after today's work -- both old decks are completely demolished and removed, new support poles are cemented into newly dug holes at the front door, and a frame is being constructed to support the skirt. Everybody was excited to walk in the door after whistling our way home from work to smell a DELICIOUS dinner cooking -- prepared by Peg and Jed Raines. They have been keeping us incredibly well-fed, and Jed's homemade meatballs were a major highlight of the meal.

Of COURSE the entire group has been kept safe, on task, and on time by the impeccable leadership of the fearless Beth Loughhead.

Everyone continues to thoroughly enjoy mocking me for my deep-seated fear of chiggers. (NOT FUNNY -- THEY ARE REAL!) Pam is standing here and says "They are the tiniest little red spider you could ever see." Maybe so. But they still are bad!

After a group meeting, followed by a meeting of the youth, followed by trips to WalMart and Dairy Queen, the group is to bed we go! Thanks for checking in with us -- we'll try to post more soon! We miss everyone back home, and we hope all is well!

Good night!

Bye for now,


  • At 8:41 PM, Blogger Loyce said…

    Hi Julie et al,

    You are doing a good job continuing the excellent standards that Cindy has set as a blogger! Message from Annsley: Annsley says that she thought that the places she stayed on past mission trips (Montana, North Carolina, and Oklahoma) were very nice, but this one sounds like the best ever! She's sorry to hear about those who had to drop out because you could use the extra man power (her word).

    I knew that a talented energetic group like yours could breeze through two sites so I'm not surprised that you're ready to tackle a third one tomorrow! Give some of those kittens a pat from me.


  • At 12:14 PM, Blogger The Miskis' said…

    Please let all of the youth know how proud we are of their hard work. We are also amazed considering that cleaning their own rooms at home is at times a challenge !!!
    The Miskis'

  • At 12:14 PM, Blogger The Miskis' said…

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  • At 12:48 PM, Blogger Suzanne said…

    Julie and Everyone,

    Chiggers are no fun. I remember them in Oklahoma- my best advice is to wear long pants and go outside and spray the pant legs with a good bug spray each morning. That did the trick for me and I am a bug magnet!

    I am with you in spirit as I do my own little Mission project at home- scraping and painting my bathroom.

    Pam, are you sure those extra clothes in the van aren't mine from the last trip???

    Sounds like you will breeze through those projects in no time. Am sure they have more to do in the area. From what I have heard many folks are in need of help.

    How many kittens are coming back to Beverly??



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