We are finally all together!
The Vosseler's and the Buchsbaum's have arrived and our group is now complete. We have just enjoyed a delicious baked ham dinner and are looking forward to brownie sundaes for dessert. We've also met with our work groups and are ready to begin at 8am tomorrow morning. Woo hoo!!!
Currently, we are assigned to 2 work sites. Hopefully, when Justin sees that we have mad skillz (!), he'll have more for us to do.
Word is that there are chiggers afoot. We haven't seen any yet but are quite sure that if anyone is going to get bitten, it will be Julie! Stay tuned for more on that front.
Speaking of Julie, she has promised to blog here later so you'll here from someone other than me...phew!
And oh, by the way, I meant to mention how green our drive here was. Through PA and western MD, the rolling hills looked like lush heads of broccoli just waiting to be picked. We were surprised at the greenness because there doesn't seem to be much water there. But for whatever reason, the trees were so vivid and alive. Despite our traffic troubles, the scenery was really beautiful.
As I write, many of the "boys" are playing basketball, while some folks read and others chat. The energy level is high and I think that folks are ready to get to work.
Oh, and I've heard that Beth might let us adopt a WV kitty to keep Sebastian company. Keep your fingers crossed!
Currently, we are assigned to 2 work sites. Hopefully, when Justin sees that we have mad skillz (!), he'll have more for us to do.
Word is that there are chiggers afoot. We haven't seen any yet but are quite sure that if anyone is going to get bitten, it will be Julie! Stay tuned for more on that front.
Speaking of Julie, she has promised to blog here later so you'll here from someone other than me...phew!
And oh, by the way, I meant to mention how green our drive here was. Through PA and western MD, the rolling hills looked like lush heads of broccoli just waiting to be picked. We were surprised at the greenness because there doesn't seem to be much water there. But for whatever reason, the trees were so vivid and alive. Despite our traffic troubles, the scenery was really beautiful.
As I write, many of the "boys" are playing basketball, while some folks read and others chat. The energy level is high and I think that folks are ready to get to work.
Oh, and I've heard that Beth might let us adopt a WV kitty to keep Sebastian company. Keep your fingers crossed!
At 6:14 PM,
Loyce said…
Hello all,
This morning I looked out the window to discover that my house was enshrouded in a thick fog. Fortunately it burned off in time for the Lynch Park service, and we enjoyed another cool sunny dry day. Sorry to hear about the chiggers. Are they large enough that you have a chance of seeing them and removing (killing?) them before they bite you, or are they stealthy quasi-invisible little things? Only two work sites sounds like a much too simple task for such a large talented enthusiastic group as yours, so tomorrow should be a good start to your week. Speaking of Sebastian, since the church was closed today, I hope he has food. He really misses Julie when she's away for long weekends!
At 6:53 PM,
The Miskis' said…
We are so glad you all arrived safely and we prayed for you all today at the Lynch Park Service. Can't wait to hear about all the great work that will be done. God Bless!
At 4:49 AM,
Cindy said…
HI ladies!
Loyce, I'm assured that Sebastian will be fine. I'm glad to hear that the service was nice. The chigger thing isn't a reality yet, just a joke to freak to Julie out! I'll let you know if we actually see any.
Thanks for the prayers...we will need them!
At 6:18 AM,
Suzanne said…
Hi Everyone,
Thinking of you all and sorry I couldn't be with you. Did everyone arrive with all their clothes? Food and accommodations sound wonderful- what no line for showers???
Looking forward to more news about your projects. Have a great day. Sue
At 4:42 AM,
Cindy said…
We ended up with extra luggage in one of the vans when we arrived. Go figure?
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